I think you may be confusing ClientCache with Region.

The Region is the abstraction similar to Named Cache in several other
projects or Table in a database.

Mike Stolz
Principal Engineer, GemFire Product Manager
Mobile: +1-631-835-4771

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Olivier NOUGUIER <
olivier.nougu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  In a reactive extension to connect Apache Geode with akka-stream in
> alpakka community project [0], I don't know how to use ClientCache in an
> efficient  way.
> Given:
>    - 2 Pojos: Animal and Person
>    - 2 Regions for each
> Should I use 2 ClientCaches with 2 custom PDXSerializer or only one
> ClientCache with a more generic PDXSerializer ?
> Another way to ask, if ClientCache is expensive to instanciate.
> Thanks in advance.
> PS: I've hesitate to post this on the user list...
> [0]: https://github.com/cheleb/alpakka/tree/geode/geode

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