Hi John,

Just a quick one,
Geode could be integrated with green plum and if not what alternatives for this.

From: John Blum [via Apache Geode (Incubating) Developers Forum] 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 11:33 PM
To: Marios Sofocleous/IT/CREDITSAFE
Subject: Re: Stored procedures on Apache Geode.

Hi Marios-

It seems you and your team could be / mostly are likely dealing with a
high-volume of sensitive information, but without knowing a lot about your
UC(s) or particular application requirements/SLAs, I would recommend
starting small, simple and scale based on need.

Geode is a highly concurrent and distributed system with strong consistency
guarantees.  Prematurely breaking the logic down into many individual
microservices early (especially for individual Stored Procedures... how
complex are these?) might unduly add complexity to your application and
system architecture.

So my advice is to really evaluate the need to create individual
microservices first (which usually involves a platform like [Pivotal's]
CloudFoundry on an IaaS (or private infra) to manage effectively) vs.
starting small and just converting the Stored Procs into Geode Functions.

Geode Function executions can be distributed across the cluster (similarly
to Map-Reduce, but far more robust) in a highly available and reliable

You might want to also read up on Geode's Partitioned Regions [1] for
effectively managing (partitioning and distributing/arranging your data).

Hope this helps.



On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 1:09 PM, marios390 <[hidden email]<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
> wrote:

> ________________________________________
> From: John Blum [via Apache Geode (Incubating) Developers Forum] [
> [hidden email]<UrlBlockedError.aspx>]
> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:16 PM
> To: Marios Sofocleous/IT/CREDITSAFE
> Subject: Re: Stored procedures on Apache Geode.
> Right.
> You can also review the Apache Geode documentation on Function Execution
> [1].  And if you are a *Spring* user, you can use *Spring Data Geode's*
> convenient Function annotation support for both Function implementation as
> well as execution, here [2].
> NOTE: you will probably notice the link [2] refers to *Spring Data
> GemFire's* docs.  *Spring Data GemFire* and *Spring Data Geode* are
> virtually the same with no differences.  Eventually *Spring Data Geode*
> will have its own home with its own doc locations since it is finally
> becoming a top-level SD module [3].
> -j
> [1]
> http://geode.apache.org/docs/guide/11/developing/function_<redir.aspx?REF=9WC8AmXblm4Q_zDPwbP3MZWeTU5A8b8TcK6A7zAo07xPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4QzIxbWVsWTd3JnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZmdlb2RlJTJlYXBhY2hlJTJlb3JnJTJmZG9jcyUyZmd1aWRlJTJmMTElMmZkZXZlbG9waW5nJTJmZnVuY3Rpb24lNWY.>
> exec/chapter_overview.html<http://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=7422&d=<redir.aspx?REF=mdjxxKeYg0Z0Du5sr2nWD1qB35-j5d3fyiHT-Wg_keRPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9>
> j7nn2bxZOwcngUOelB5ZmyW7oHpBqfFPnKkha5eWJQ&u=http%3a%2f%
> 2fgeode%2eapache%2eorg%2fdocs%2fguide%2f11%2fdeveloping%
> 2ffunction%5fexec%2fchapter%5foverview%2ehtml>
> [2]
> http://docs.spring.io/spring-data-gemfire/docs/current/<redir.aspx?REF=FeI05aGSUMelSXs5C8eNCYF4w7WOQTrcPuikgbSqvPtPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4SExsbmJ0ZTZnJnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZmRvY3MlMmVzcHJpbmclMmVpbyUyZnNwcmluZy1kYXRhLWdlbWZpcmUlMmZkb2NzJTJmY3VycmVudCUyZg..>
> reference/html/#function-annotations<http://scanmail<redir.aspx?REF=yjGtUyX_IqBoLNjffMmotpM0mcz7gdL1cjWOZjT4YBFPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWw.>.
> trustwave.com/?c=7422&d=j7nn2bxZOwcngUOelB5ZmyW7oHpBqf<redir.aspx?REF=-A-Y9QfBbAoJYhLjfOxfsFejEyNFitbTDpZUTH3A6h1PQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4SGV6bUwwRTd3JnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZnRydXN0d2F2ZSUyZWNvbSUyZiUzZmMlM2Q3NDIyJTI2YW1wJTNiZCUzZGo3bm4yYnhaT3djbmdVT2VsQjVabXlXN29IcEJxZg..>
> FPnPsrbJ3BIQ&u=http%3a%2f%2fdocs%2espring%2eio%2fspring-
> data-gemfire%2fdocs%2fcurrent%2freference%2fhtml%2f%23function-annotations
> >
> [3] 
> http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/<redir.aspx?REF=kmfWIbBdBqC268HAvJBkNlHSAywbm7dazLyryhq-66BPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4Q0s3eWVwWjZBJnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZnByb2plY3RzJTJlc3ByaW5nJTJlaW8lMmZzcHJpbmctZGF0YSUyZg..><http://scanmail<redir.aspx?REF=yjGtUyX_IqBoLNjffMmotpM0mcz7gdL1cjWOZjT4YBFPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWw.>.
> trustwave.com/?c=7422&d=j7nn2bxZOwcngUOelB5ZmyW7oHpBqf<redir.aspx?REF=-A-Y9QfBbAoJYhLjfOxfsFejEyNFitbTDpZUTH3A6h1PQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4SGV6bUwwRTd3JnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZnRydXN0d2F2ZSUyZWNvbSUyZiUzZmMlM2Q3NDIyJTI2YW1wJTNiZCUzZGo3bm4yYnhaT3djbmdVT2VsQjVabXlXN29IcEJxZg..>
> FPnPshbJGVdw&u=http%3a%2f%2fprojects%2espring%2eio%2fspring-data%2f>
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 6:04 AM, Anthony Baker <[hidden
> email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=24312&i=0>> wrote:
> > A geode Function is conceptually similar to a stored proc but the
> > implementation is different. It's a java class that would use geode apis
> to
> > execute logic within the cluster.
> >
> > Anthony
> >
> > > On Jul 12, 2017, at 11:13 PM, marios390 <marios.sofocleous@creditsafe.
> > com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I noticed that Apache Geode supports stored procedures as functions
> > running
> > > on nodes.
> > > Could you please elaborate on that since I am confused a little a bit.
> > > Can I run for example Oracle SP directly on cache servers (nodes) or
> do I
> > > have to transform them somehow into microservices ( i.e spring boot)
> > which
> > > expose functions on nodes.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > View this message in context: 
> > > http://apache-geode-<redir.aspx?REF=ZWxGqjz2hs0i7jCYBYfLIr-y6cBX9gTly2ho-ELx3jZPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vYXBhY2hlLWdlb2RlLQ..>
> > incubating-developers-forum.70738.x6.nabble.com/Stored-<ht<redir.aspx?REF=I-NByF-ByO_CZ1mNMtqPTNlP-KvXwt-k_mXUJh0Eyb1PQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9aXRubjJWd0otbE1xQmNKbU01T3Q1RU1ZSHRrUWgyc1E4Q1M3a2JwYTZnJnU9aHR0cCUzYSUyZiUyZmluY3ViYXRpbmctZGV2ZWxvcGVycy1mb3J1bSUyZTcwNzM4JTJleDYlMmVuYWJibGUlMmVjb20lMmZTdG9yZWQtJTI2bHQlM2JodA..>
> tp://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=7422&d=j7nn2bxZOwcngUOelB5ZmyW7oHpBqf
> FPnPUhb5PCJw&u=http%3a%2f%2fincubating-developers-forum%
> 2e70738%2ex6%2enabble%2ecom%2fStored->
> > procedures-on-Apache-Geode-tp24279.html
> > > Sent from the Apache Geode (Incubating) Developers Forum mailing list
> > archive at 
> > Nabble.com.<http://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=7422&d=<redir.aspx?REF=mdjxxKeYg0Z0Du5sr2nWD1qB35-j5d3fyiHT-Wg_keRPQ7v4gcrUCAFodHRwOi8vc2Nhbm1haWwudHJ1c3R3YXZlLmNvbS8_Yz03NDIyJmQ9>
> j7nn2bxZOwcngUOelB5ZmyW7oHpBqfFPnPR_aZzGKg&u=http%3a%2f%2fNabble%2ecom>
> >
> Hi John
> I really appreciate it for getting back to me. I will check it out.
> We are basically having a bunch of stored procedures and thinking to
> create as many microservices as the SPs in order to load them in geode. I
> know that this makes nosense. How  would you suggest resolving this?
> --
> -John
> john.blum10101 (skype)
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john.blum10101 (skype)

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