I've recently debugged various distributed tests which fail as a result of
prior tests not cleaning up enough. It's somewhat painful and this is my
usual debug process:

   - Examine the progress.txt file to determine which tests ran before my
   failing test.
   - I pick 20-25 of these tests and create a Suite (including my failing
   test) - as these tests may have run in parallel, it's not clear which tests
   would have run immediately prior to your test
   - Run the whole suite to see if I can get my test to fail
   - Bisect or manually iterate through the tests to see which one is
   causing the problem.

The last step is painful, so I've updated SuiteRunner to use a 'candidate'
test class and run this class after every other class in the list of
SuiteClasses. For example:

@Suite.SuiteClasses(value = {
public class DebugSuite {

The Candidate is optional, but this would run the following tests:

- SnapshotByteArrayDUnitTest
- *ClusterConfigDistributionDUnitTest*
- QueryDataInconsistencyDUnitTest
- *ClusterConfigDistributionDUnitTest*
- MultiIndexCreationDUnitTest
- *ClusterConfigDistributionDUnitTest*


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