Just to help facilitate the discussion, here's a pull request that changes
GMSLocator from:

    this.viewFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "locator" +
server.getPort() + "view.dat");


    this.viewFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "locator" +
server.getPort() + "view.dat");

To allow the new test LocatorViewFileTemporaryFolderDUnitTest to redirect
the locator view dat file to a JUnit TemporaryFolder.

The only other way I can think of to this is to introduce a new Geode
property for "current-directory" which a test could specify. That property
value would have to be pushed down to every class that creates a new File.

Pull request: https://github.com/apache/geode/pull/1243

On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 3:32 PM, Kirk Lund <kl...@apache.org> wrote:

> Any calls such as:
>     File file = new File("myfile");
> ...results in creating a file in the current working directory of IntelliJ
> or Gradle when executing the test.
> I previously made a change to Gfsh so that tests can pass in a parent
> directory which will be used instead. This allowed me to change all of the
> Gfsh tests to write to a JUnit TemporaryFolder.
> This allows us to clean up ALL file artifacts produced from a test and
> also allows us to avoid file-based pollution from one test to another.
> I'd like to propose that we either always pass a parent directory into a
> component that produces file artifacts or change all of our code from using
> the constructor File(String pathname) to using the constructor File(String
> parent, String child).
> That 2nd approach would involve changing lines like this:
>     File file = new File("myfile");
> ...to:
>     File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "myfile");
> Then if you add this line to a test:
> System.setProperty("user.dir", temporaryFolder.getRoot().
> getAbsolutePath());
> ...you're able to redirect all file artifacts to the JUnit TemporaryFolder.
> If we don't make this change to product code, then I really don't think we
> should be manipulating "user.dir" in ANY of our tests because the results
> are rather broken.
> If we don't like using "user.dir" then we could devise our own Geode
> system property for "the current working directory." Honestly, I don't care
> what system property we use or don't use, but I really want to have ALL
> file artifacts properly cleaned and deleted after every test. And I really
> want to prevent file-based test pollution.

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