Hello all!

  We currently have 182 branches on the apache/geode repository.  This is
  Please fork the main repository and save your branches there.  If you
must use the apache/geode repository for some reason, please be diligent in
your removal of dead branches.

  *I would like to begin removing branches soon.*

  Many branches appear to refer to JIRA tickets that are closed, or have
pull requests against them that have been merged.  These seem safe to
  Many branches are thousands of commits behind develop or months to even
years old.  Some of these branches have no commits since they were
branched.  Release branches notwithstanding, these seem relatively safe to
delete.  I suspect there are some that should be maintained for legal or
legacy reasons, in which case please let me know.

  This can be done most safely if you, as a responsible developer and
reasonably-clean adult, were to pick up your own room.  If you have
anything listed under "Your branches" at [1], please copy them to your fork
and remove them from apache/geode.

Thank you.

Imagination is Change.
~ Patrick

[1] https://github.com/apache/geode/branches/yours

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