IntelliJ 2018.3.1 downloads sources jars for the jars of old geode versions
that the geode-old-versions module refers to. The Javadoc {@link class}
editor support in IJ 2018.3.1 then seems to randomly reference some of the
Geode classes in those old geode jars instead of local .java files in the

My recommendation is to stick to IntelliJ 2018.2.x until someone using
2018.3.x reports back to the dev list that the above problem is fixed. Or
you can use 2018.3.1 and just realize you won't have the IDE support for
editing Javadocs that you may have been used to.

IntelliJ also has a Gradle option that I think you should avoid like the
plague if you're working on Geode. Do *NOT* disable this:

*Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle ->
"Store generated project files externally"*

Disabling the above results in classpath errors when trying to run dunit
tests in IntelliJ.

If anyone has more information on any of the above (especially how to fix
or workaround it) then please share!

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