Sorry that should read “and if the value exceeds MAX_INT”

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 8:21 PM Ryan McMahon <> wrote:

> +1 to introducing a new method which returns the stat as long per Jake’s
> suggestion.  I vote for getInt() to downcast as an int, and the value
> exceeds MAX_INT, return MAX_INT and possibly add a warning message which
> points users to the new long version of the method.  I think throwing an
> exception might be a bit much personally.
> Ryan
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 4:24 PM Owen Nichols <> wrote:
>> Is it possible for the underlying counter to be maintained as a long, and
>> change the getInt method to return as normal when the value is within
>> MAX_INT, otherwise throw an exception and/or return MAX_INT when the long
>> value would overflow an int?
>> For the MX Bean, should we keep (but deprecate) the existing attribute,
>> and add a new attribute TotalNetSearchCompletedAsLong?
>> > On Feb 13, 2019, at 3:58 PM, Kirk Lund <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Quite a few Geode stats are currently defined as IntCounters which very
>> > easily wrap past Integer.MAX_VALUE. Some users wanted these stats to not
>> > wrap to negative MAX_VALUE, so my team defined the following two tickets
>> > and changed them to LongCounters on the develop branch:
>> >
>> > GEODE-6345: StatSamplerStats jvmPauses stat may wrap to negative value
>> >
>> >
>> > GEODE-6334: CachePerfStats operation count stats may wrap to negative
>> values
>> >
>> >
>> > Some people are now concerned that this may break backwards
>> compatibility
>> > and API for existing users.
>> >
>> > There are two potential ways for a user to *experience* this as an API
>> > change:
>> >
>> > 1) MemberMXBean in JMX
>> >
>> > *-  int getTotalNetSearchCompleted();*
>> > *+  long getTotalNetSearchCompleted();*
>> >
>> > As you can see in GEODE-6334, we changed quite a few stats from integer
>> to
>> > long in CachePerfStats. The only one directly exposed as an attribute on
>> > MemberMXBean is TotalNetSearchCompleted.
>> >
>> > Users will find that this API method changed.
>> >
>> > 2) Statistics API with undocumented strings
>> >
>> > If we assume that users might know or discover that we have a statistics
>> > text id of "cachePerfStats" with an integer stat of name "puts" then
>> they
>> > could use our Statistics API to get the value:
>> >
>> > * 1:    CacheFactory cacheFactory = new CacheFactory();*
>> > * 2:    Cache cache = cacheFactory.create();*
>> > * 3:*
>> > * 4:    Region<String, String> region = cache.<String,
>> > String>createRegionFactory(PARTITION).create("region");*
>> > * 5:*
>> > * 6:    Statistics[] statistics =
>> > cache.getDistributedSystem().findStatisticsByTextId("cachePerfStats");*
>> > * 7:    int oldPuts = statistics[0].getInt("puts");*
>> > * 8:*
>> > * 9:    region.put("some", "value");*
>> > *10:*
>> > *11:    int newPuts = statistics[0].getInt("puts");*
>> > *12:*
>> > *13:    assertThat(newPuts).isEqualTo(oldPuts + 1);*
>> >
>> > The above works in Geode 1.8 and earlier but will begin to throw the
>> > following in Geode 1.9 (when develop branch is released):
>> >
>> > *java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The statistic puts with id 23 is of
>> > type long and it was expected to be an int.*
>> > * at
>> >
>> org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticDescriptorImpl.checkInt(*
>> > * at
>> >
>> org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsImpl.getIntId(*
>> > * at
>> >
>> org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsImpl.getInt(*
>> > * at
>> >
>> org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsImpl.getInt(*
>> > * at com.user.example.Example.example(Example.java7)*
>> >
>> > In order to avoid the above exception, a user would have to change the
>> code
>> > on lines 7 and 11 to use *getLong* instead of *getInt*.
>> >
>> > Should Geode stats be considered a form of API contract and should they
>> > conform to backwards compatibility constraints?
>> >
>> > Should we change these from LongCounters back to IntCounters?
>> >
>> > Someone did suggest that we could change them back to IntCounters and
>> then
>> > change our statistics internals to skip to zero anytime a stat attempts
>> to
>> > increment above MAX_VALUE, however, I think that if we decide that stats
>> > cannot be changed from IntCounters to LongCounters then we should not
>> make
>> > this change either.
>> >
>> > Thanks for any input or opinions,
>> > Kirk

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