
On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 11:22 PM Alexander Murmann <amurm...@apache.org>

> Hi everyone,
> TL;DR:
> 1. Let's call each other out on our PRs when test coverage is missing or
> insufficient
> 2. Let's require test coverage for code that gets refactored as well
> We already have a really great wiki page
> <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Criteria+for+Code+Submissions
> >
> on how we evaluate code contributions. Among other things it calls out test
> coverage for new features as well as for bug fixes. I don't think we've
> always been diligent in ensuring healthy test coverage when we've been
> reviewing PRs. This seems like something we should correct as a community
> to ensure Geode can provide the high quality our users expect and at the
> same time give us fast feedback loops in our daily work. We need to get
> better code coverage, so rejecting PRs till they have appropriate test
> coverage, seems like an obvious thing we need to do.
> It's also interesting to me that the wiki page calls out coverage for
> features and bugs. What about refactoring code that is currently missing
> coverage? To refactor with confidence we need test coverage. Therefore test
> coverage should be a precondition for refactoring. I'd like to amend our
> wiki to also require test coverage for refactored code. Ideally that
> coverage would already be there, but we all know that's unfortunately
> rarely the case. This is going to hurt in the short run, but gets us closer
> where we want to be.
> As always, if it's unreasonable to provide certain types of test coverage,
> then let's have an explicit conversation on the PR.
> Note: When I say "appropriate test coverage", I am referring to coverage of
> the functionality in breadth, but also in depth via a healthy testing
> pyramid <https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html> that includes
> unit tests, integration tests etc.
> What do you all think?

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