Hi Alberto,

The images used to run tests on in CI are built here:
may see these referred to as 'heavy lifters'). The packer scripts for these
can be found under here:

The build model is not pure Concourse as, for every test category (ex.
distributedTest) we programmatically launch one of these 'heavy-lifters',
copy the code over, and then run the tests.

As you've noted, distributed tests are run inside docker containers. This
gives isolation so that there are no port/filesystem/network conflicts when
running tests in parallel. The container used for distributed tests is
built from this Dockerfile:

Windows tests are not run in parallel as we didn't have success in getting
the parallel dockerization to work consistently; so we only have a subset
of tests which run in 'normal', serial mode.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:47 AM Alberto Bustamante Reyes
<alberto.bustamante.re...@est.tech> wrote:

> Hi Geode community,
> We are trying to set up a CI loop in our Geode fork. We have started with
> the tests that are run for every pull requests, but we are having problems
> to replicate what is done in the Apache Geode repository, so any help will
> be appreciated.
> We are not using concour, but we are trying to run the same commands that
> are run at the end.
> In the case of distributedTests, if we run them we have problems saying
> that there are ports in use, which are not present if we run the tests
> independently ( I mean running for example "geode-core:distributedTest",
> "geode-cq:distributedTest" instead of just "distributedTest"). So we think
> we are missing something regarding the configuration of the VM where the
> tests are executed. We have seen there is a custom image used in google
> cloud (
> --image-family="${IMAGE_FAMILY_PREFIX}${WINDOWS_PREFIX}geode-builder" ), is
> it documented somewhere which are the requirements or configuration of that
> image?
> We have seen in the CI configuration (
> https://github.com/apache/geode/blob/develop/ci/pipelines/shared/jinja.variables.yml)
> that the requirement for distributedTests are 96 cpus & 180GB RAM. We can
> use only 24 cpus and 128GB RAM, but we have seen the tests are executed
> using the "dunitParallelForks" parameter to control how many docker
> containers are run in parallel, so we suppose we should modify this
> parameter.
> Where can we check how are these containers created and controlled?
> Thanks in advance!
> Alberto B.

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