
We are trying to disable archiving statistic in the file by providing empty 
string to --statistic-archive-file. This option doesn't work.
>From the documentation it should work:
The file to which the running system member writes statistic samples. For 
example: “StatisticsArchiveFile.gfs”. An empty string disables archiving.
I opened ticket(GEODE-7714<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEODE-7714>) 
and try to fix it, but without success.

As alter runtime command update properties and cache, it checks if any of these 
parameters change, but if we set this property to an empty string it failed 
with message
Please provide a relevant parameter(s).
We can change for this parameter that it can be an empty string but how this 
command works, it goes over all parameters and checks if it is changed. In that 
case if we provide something like
alter runtime --member=server it will be successiful but shouldn't as we didn't 
provide any parameter.

So the proposal is that we need to add a new parameter called 
--statistic-archiving-enabled  which can be true or false. In case it is true 
we need to provide also --statistic-archive-file.

Any thougths?


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