Hi there Mario,

The idea of encryption-at-rest, is something that has been on my radar for at least 4yrs now.

I would not mind having a chat about what your requirements are and how we can get this into Geode.

Looking forward to chatting to you about this.


On 1/15/20 2:20 AM, Mario Kevo wrote:
Hi geode-dev,

Is it possible somehow to protect all files that containing user data(or user 
data itself) being stored in disk for Geode.
This includes all persistence data(OpLogs), backups and possible other files 
containing user data.
Also protection is needed for all of the files potentailly used for replication 
and cluster high availability mechanism.

If this feature is not available, do you have it in the plan already?
Do you included it in Geode roadmap?


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