
The recently approved RFC about patch releases 
says the following about what changes should and should not be backported to a 
support branch:

What changes should be back ported to a support branch?

The community will exercise good judgement in the same way that important 
changes are cherry-picked onto release branches prior to shipping a new 
release.  Fixes related to data safety and consistency, cluster stability, or 
API behaviors are good candidates to be considered.

What changes should NOT be back ported to a support branch?

New features, refactoring changes, or less important and non-critical bug 
fixes.  Of course, you are always free to advocate within the community and 
state your case!

This raises a question on whether changes that fall on the first category 
according to the above guidelines but also contain, changes in Data 
Serialization (for example adding/removing fields from a DataSerializable 
class) would still be allowed to be backported to a support branch.

If the answer is affirmative, I wonder if/how the backward compatibility could 
be guaranteed between a newer release and a patch release in the case that both 
included the same Data Serialization change.

Imagine that 1.13.0 includes a change that adds a new field to a 
DataSerializable class. In order to support backward compatibility, the change 
will include the implementation of the corresponding fromDataPre_1_13_0 and 
toDataPre_1_13_0 methods.

Now, let's assume that this change is decided to be backported to previous 
patch releases, for example The cherry-picked commit will need to be 
changed so that the above methods are renamed to fromDataPre_1_12_0_1 and 

Problems could arise nevertheless when a Geode system on version 
(patch release) is upgraded to 1.13.0. Both Geode versions will think that the 
new field was added in their version. As a result, when a peer on version 
1.13.0 sends an instance of the modified class to a peer on version, 
it will not send the new field but, the peer on version will expect 
it. If, on the other hand, a peer on version sends an instance of the 
modified class to a peer on version 1.13.0, the peer on version 1.13.0 will not 
read the new field even if it was sent by the peer on

Is there anything I am missing in my reasoning?
Has this case been contemplated?
Should these changes be prevented from support branches to avoid these problems?

Thanks in advance,

-Alberto G.

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