
From: Dan Smith <dasm...@vmware.com>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:21 PM
To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
Subject: [DISCUSS] One more 1.13 change


I'd like to backport this change to support/1.13 as well

GEODE-8522: Switching exception log back to debug - 

This cleans up some noise in our logs that customers might see.
GEODE-8522: Switching exception log back to debug (merge to 1.13) by 
upthewaterspout · Pull Request #5566 · 
This log message happens during the course of normal startup of multiple 
locators. We should not be logging a full stack trace during normal startup. 
(cherry picked from commit 3df057c) Thank you f...

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