Hello geode-dev,

I am *evaluating usage of Geode (1.12) with storing JSON documents and
querying the same*. I am able to store the json records successfully in
geode but seeking guidance on how to query them.
More details on code and sample json is,

*Sample client-code*

import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionShortcut;
import org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter;
import org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance;

public class MyTest {

    *//NOTE: Below is truncated json, single json document can max
contain an array of col1...col30 (30 diff attributes) within data. *
    public final static  String jsonDoc_2 = "{" +
            "\"data\":[{" +
                        "\"col1\": {" +
                                "\"k11\": \"aaa\"," +
                                "\"k12\":true," +
                                "\"k13\": 1111," +
                                "\"k14\": \"2020-12-31:00:00:00\"" +
                                "}," +
                        "\"col2\":[{" +
                                "\"k21\": \"222222\"," +
                                "\"k22\": true" +
                                "}]" +
                    "}]" +

*     //NOTE: Col1....col30 are mix of JSONObject ({}) and JSONArray
([]) as shown above in jsonDoc_2;*

    public static void main(String[] args){

        //create client-cache
        ClientCache cache = new
ClientCacheFactory().addPoolLocator(LOCATOR_HOST, PORT).create();
        Region<String, PdxInstance> region = cache.<String,

        //store json document
        region.put("key", JSONFormatter.fromJSON(jsonDoc_2));

        //How to query json document like,

        // 1. select col2.k21, col1, col20 from /REGION_NAME where
data.col2.k21 = '222222' OR data.col2.k21 = '333333'

        // 2. select col2.k21, col1.k11, col1 from /REGION_NAME where
data.col1.k11 in ('aaa', 'xxx', 'yyy')

*Server: Region-creation*

gfsh> create region --name=REGION_NAME --type=PARTITION
--redundant-copies=1 --total-num-buckets=61

*Setup: Distributed cluster of 3 nodes

*My Observations/Problems*
-  Put operation takes excessive time: region.put("key",
JSONFormatter.fromJSON(jsonDoc_2));  - Fetching a single record from () a
file and Storing in geode approx. takes . 3 secs
   Is there any suggestions/configuration related to JSONFormatter API or
other to optimize this...?

*Looking forward to guidance on querying this JOSN for above sample


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