As the only remaining member on the CSharpDriver team, I too have an attachment 
to Protobuf. It’s purely technical, however, not emotional. I was truly excited 
about the prospects of a self-describing protocol and had hopes for a .NET 
client talking directly to geode without going through the C++ layer. The 
performance I measured doing puts/gets of a broad range of object sizes was at 
parity with the C++ client. I was truly surprised to see the project shelved. 
But I do understand we had extremely limited functionality not even close to an 
MVP. In hindsight, we should have put all the resources on the server side, as 
the client implementation was almost trivial.


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On March 23, 2021 at 3:55:33 PM PDT, Udo Kohlmeyer <> wrote:
Alexander, as you know, the intent for this work was to lower the barrier of 
entry, as the Geode wire protocol is not documented, which makes it impossible 
to contribute any clients in other languages to the project. The lack of 
documentation of this feature did also not help the case.

If no-one else sees ANY benefit of having a self-describing wire protocol as 
part of the project, then you should remove it. But as stated, without AND 
documentation pertaining to the wire protocol for Geode, removing the only 
self-describing protocol with serialization, adopted by many globally, will put 
the barrier of entry of contributing to Geode, outside of Java and C++/C# even 

In addition, I'm sure that the contributors to the C++/C# client could actually 
benefit in using this protocol.

But I am just a single voice.


On 3/24/21, 9:38 AM, "Alexander Murmann" <> wrote:

    Udo, having worked on Protobuf with you, I share the emotional attachment. 
I also agree that it's a valuable feature to have and that ideally someone 
would pick it up. I don't think it's feature complete enough at this point to 
be viable. Unlike with Redis, I haven't seen anyone in the community contribute 
to it in a long time. If you or someone else were to volunteer to do all the 
work you propose we do on Protobuf, I'd strongly support keeping it.

    I think each of the other feature areas you propose as potential removal 
candidates deserve their own dedicated discussion. I understand some of them 
are harder to remove from a technical perspective or neither experimental nor 
deprecated and would thus require a Geode 2.0.
    From: Udo Kohlmeyer <>
    Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 14:54
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] removal of experimental Protobuf client/server 


    Given that I was on the team that started this initiative, I will naturally 
have an inclination to say 'No'.

    I don't know if I would go as far as removing this project/initiative out 
of Geode.
    I understand that the way that was used to hook into Geode was less the 
perfect, and I fully support removing those and possibly replacing them with 
viable alternatives, if that makes the core Geode project better. What I don't 
support is the removal of the code completely on the basis that it isn't used 
by anyone (we have no proof either direction).

    I think that the addition of this adapter is beneficial to the Geode. Given 
that lack of documentation relating to the Geode wire protocol, the barrier of 
entry for anyone else to connect to Geode is HUGE. The Protobuf initiative was 
the effort to lower the bar of entry for other
    languages to be able to talk to Geode. But by removing it, we make Geode 
less accessible. I think the lack of focus on this effort can also attribute to 
the lack of use. As @Dave pointed out, there is little to no documentation 
impact for the adapter. Which means, we (Geode) have failed at marketing this 

    I propose that the Protobuf adapter NOT to be removed, but rather reworked 
so that it fits more in line with our other extensions like Redis and Memcache. 
Yes, we would have to maintain the code, but it is not like we haven't been 
doing this with the Memcache or Redis extension for a MUCH longer period than 
what we have for Protobuf. If we keep Protobuf, we need promote it, so we 
should document this adapter. Alternatively, if we remove Protobuf, we put 
effort into documented our wire protocol, so that Geode wire protocol is not a 
closed box and a HUGE barrier for anyone wanting to connect to Geode.

    If we vote to permanently remove the Protobuf from Geode, I want to suggest 
that we put to vote the removal of many other projects in Geode on the basis of 
lack of adoption:
    * Geode-Rebalancer
    * Geode-Memcache
    * Geode-Connector
    * Geode-Redis
    * Geode Offheap

    These are projects that we maintain without any (known) users actively 
using these features.


    On 3/24/21, 2:16 AM, "Bruce Schuchardt" <> wrote:

        Hi folks,

        We’ve had an experimental client/server interface in Geode that no-one 
to my knowledge is using.  We’re testing it with every build and are having to 
make changes to it to keep it up to date with the rest of the project.  The 
last change of substance to the geode-protobuf sub-project, for instance, was 
in 2018 but that’s been followed by many incidental commits.

 was opened to have the sub-projects for this interface removed.  I’ve prepared 
a pull 
 to remove it and would like to get consensus to move forward with that effort.

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