On Monday I will merge GEODE-8899 (https://github.com/apache/geode/pull/6280), 
which upgrades the Geode build to use Gradle 6.8.3 (from the current Gradle 
5.5). This has implications for IntelliJ IDEA and for running tests with 
parallelDunit. The implications are minor, but you’ll probably be affected by 
at least the IntelliJ ones. See below for details.

IntelliJ IDEA. Once I merge this upgrade, IntelliJ IDEA may initially become 
confused. If that happens, you will likely need to do one or more of:

  *   Invalidate IntelliJ IDEA’s caches

     *   Select File > Invalidate Caches / Restart…
     *   Select Invalidate and Restart

  *   Re-import Geode into IntelliJ IDEA. See the instructions in the 
BUILDING.md file, which will be updated by this commit.

Running tests with parallelDunit. If you use -PparallelDunit to run tests in 
Docker, either in a script or on the command line, you will need to change a 
few command line options:

  *   -PdunitParallelForks=<N> is no longer used. It has been replaced by 
--max-workers and testMaxParallelForks.
  *   --max-workers=<N> specifies the maximum number of worker processes for 
Gradle to run in parallel. Set that to whatever value you used for 
  *   -PtestMaxParallelForks=<N> specifies the maximum number of tests for each 
Dockerized test task to run in parallel. Set that to the value you used for 


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