Sure, gladly 🙂. Let me put up the info and I will open the discussion.
And sorry for polluting this topic regarding Style and Formatting :S

From: Jacob Barrett <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 4:42 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: DISCUSSION: Geode Native C++ Style and Formatting Guide


Let’s start a separate discussion for going to C++17 on a minor release. Can 
you lay out the pros and cons to kick it off?

> On May 4, 2021, at 7:31 AM, Mario Salazar de Torres 
> <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Regarding Blake's comment on moving towards C++17 I completely agree.
> I think almost every compiler supports it now and given the latest changes on 
> WoW regarding ABI,
> even if there were some ABI break (which is not the case from C++11 to 
> C++17), everything should be fine.
> I'd really love to see C++20 as the standard for the project as it has 
> several cool features, but sadly I must admit is too recent to be adopted.
> Thanks,
> Mario.
> ________________________________
> From: Blake Bender <>
> Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021 8:23 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: RE: DISCUSSION: Geode Native C++ Style and Formatting Guide
> My $0.02 on these:
> Things I'd like to see us conform to Google style on:
> * I'd be happy to move to C++ 17
> * Would also be happy to remove forward declarations.  "I'm not a critic, but 
> I know what I hate," as it were, and I hate forward declarations.
> * I would also be happy with an 80-character line limit, though I don't feel 
> strongly about it.  100 may be consistent with Geode, but it still feels 
> arbitrary to me.
> * I would be very pleased to remove all the macros from our code.  I've been 
> bitten more than once in the past while debugging or refactoring our code, 
> because of ill-formed macros.
> Google things I disagree with:
> * I don't like exceptions, but I don't even want to think about the amount of 
> effort required to remove them from the codebase is, IMO, unreasonably high.  
> Keep the exceptions, most of the time they're used pretty judiciously.
> * I really, really, *really* (really?  Yes, really!) hate anything resembling 
> Hungarian prefix notation, and have permanent scars from decades of reading 
> it in Windows code.  Please don't ask me to put a random 'k' in from of my 
> enums - ick.
> One other note: in the past, we've had conversations about "style only" pull 
> requests to fix some of these things, and the guidance we ended up with has 
> been to only fix this sort of thing while you're in the code working on a fix 
> or a feature.  I, for one, would welcome some PRs that just, say, renamed a 
> ton of member variables to replace "m_" prefix with a simple trailing "_", 
> perhaps fixed some of the more egregious and weird abbreviations, etc.  My 
> preference for bug fixes and feature work is that all of the code changes be 
> focused on stuff that's relevant to the fix/feature, and mixing it with 
> random style guide refactoring, I feel, muddies the waters for future 
> maintainers.
> Thanks,
> Blake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacob Barrett <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DISCUSSION: Geode Native C++ Style and Formatting Guide
> Great call outs!
>> On May 1, 2021, at 7:57 AM, Mario Salazar de Torres 
>> <> wrote:
>> 1.  Member variables names as of Google style guide requires a '_' char to 
>> be added at the end so it can be identified. Should we also adopt that?
>> For example, imagine you have a region mutex, so, should we name it as 
>> 'regionMutex_' ?
> I didn’t mention this one out in my review of differences because we are 
> following it but I suppose with the combination of the camelCase difference 
> we should probably call it out more specifically. Perhaps in our 
> documentation we should show examples of both local and member variables. Do 
> you think that will make it more clear?
>> 2.  Also, I would like to point out that macros are dis-recommended but 
>> every C++ committee member I know.
>> What do you think about adding a notice saying: "Macros should be avoided 
>> and only used when there is no alternative”?
> I think that is called out in various ways in a few places in the Google 
> guide but I am more than happy for us to include strong or clearer language 
> around this. Between constexpr and templates there are very cases for macros 
> anymore.
> We mostly use macros only to handle non-standard attributes. When we move to 
> C++17 a lot of these will go away.
> Thanks,
> Jake

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