Hi Geode Friends!

Since I didn't see any movement on rescuing Geode Protobuf into another 
repository, I went ahead and did that.  It seemed like a better idea to me than 
trying to search commit history or old branches with git.  It is located at


I'm willing to move it into the Apache org if someone who is not lazy like me 
wants to help.  I have only upgraded to Gradle 6.8.3 and pull Geode 
dependencies from Maven as the big changes.  I add some GitHub actions for CI 
and to automatically open PRs to try and keep it up to date and working, mostly 
because I won't dedicate that much time to it.  I just really dislike seeing 
code that seemed useful get lost like that (I spend a lot of time thinking 
about how to preserve technological history.)

Anywho, hope this helps out anyone who might decide protobuf is worth spending 
time with.


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