Thanks, Darrel.

I have created a JIRA for this issue 

From: Darrel Schneider <>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 6:24 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Question about the write-buffer-size parameter when creating a 
disk store

I also could not find any code that used the write-buffer-size when allocating 
a buffer.
I did find this method: Oplog.allocateWriteBuf
It seems like this would be the allocation of the disk store write buffer.
If one is not already allocated then this method checks a sysprop and then 
defaults to 32k.

return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Integer.getInteger("WRITE_BUF_SIZE", 32768));

It seems like this code should at least also ask the DiskStoreImpl (using 
Oplog.parent) what the write buffer size is if the sys prop is not set.
From: Alberto Gomez <>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 8:51 AM
To: <>
Subject: Question about the write-buffer-size parameter when creating a disk 


According to the Geode documentation, it is possible to set the write buffer 
size by using --write-buffer-size when creating a disk store [1].

Nevertheless, looking at the code, I have not seen that setting a value for 
that parameter has any effect. Does anybody know if I am correct or if I am 
missing something?

Thanks in advance,

Alberto G.


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