Hello team,

I do not see where I can accept the invite in the following link/info?

Dear Gregory Green,

Congratulations! We are pleased to tell you that your talk, "OLTP Application 
Data Services with Apache Geode”
has been accepted for ApacheCon 2021. (If you submitted additional proposals, 
will receive separate notifications regarding each proposal.)

Please confirm that you will be attending by responding to this email. You will 
also need to register for the event, at 
 in order to be able to give your presentation. Please do not put this off, as 
that will make the scheduling process more difficult - please go do that now. 

With regards,
The team behind ApacheCon 2021

Gregory Green | Advisor Solution Engineer | Tanzu Data 
Mobile: 732.737.7119| Email: grego...@vmware.com 
Monoliths to Microservices? Don’t Forget to Transform the Data Layer 
A Caching Approach to Data Transformation of Legacy RDBMS 
How to Build Modern Data Pipelines with GemFire and SCDF 
GemFire AWS Quickstart <https://youtu.be/QqWKzZ2MeOY>

On 4/23/21, 11:03 AM, "Rich Bowen" <rbo...@apache.org> wrote:

    [You are receiving this because you're subscribed to one or more dev@
    mailing lists for an Apache project, or the ApacheCon Announce list.]

    Time is running out to submit your talk for ApacheCon 2021.

    The Call for Presentations for ApacheCon @Home 2021, focused on Europe
    and North America time zones, closes May 3rd, and is at

    The CFP for ApacheCon Asia, focused on Asia/Pacific time zones, is at
 and also closes on May 3rd.

    ApacheCon is our main event, featuring content from any and all of our
    projects, and is your best opportunity to get your project in front of
    the largest audience of enthusiasts.

    Please don't wait for the last minute. Get your talks in today!

    Rich Bowen, VP Conferences
    The Apache Software Foundation

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