Good job Dale and thanks!

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 3:37 PM Dale Emery <> wrote:

> In September 2021, Geode added support for writing and running tests using
> JUnit 5.
> Most Geode modules now support JUnit 5. For most Geode modules, you can
> now write each test class using either JUnit 5's "Jupiter" API or the
> legacy JUnit 4 API.
> Which modules support JUnit 5? Any source set that depends on geode-junit
> or geode-dunit already has JUnit 5 support. For those source sets you can
> start writing tests using the JUnit Jupiter API now, and Gradle will run
> them.
> To add JUnit 5 support to a module or source set: Add lines like these to
> the "dependencies" configuration of the module’s build.gradle file:
> testImplementation('org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api')
> testRuntimeOnly('org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine')
> The first line allows you to write unit tests using the JUnit Jupiter API.
> The second line allows Gradle to run your JUnit Jupiter unit tests.
> To use JUnit Jupiter to write and run other kinds of tests (e.g.
> integrationTest or distributedTest), add similar lines to configure the
> appropriate source sets.
>   *   Because Geode support for JUnit Jupiter is so new, we have not yet
> added test framework code that takes advantage of its features.
>   *   JUnit Jupiter does not support the use of Rules.
>   *   The JUnit 5 User Guide:
>   *   Using JUnit 5 (a copy of this message on the Geode wiki):
> Dale Emery

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