Hi Darrel,

Thank you! I'll try to track it!

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 2:42 PM Darrel Schneider <dar...@vmware.com> wrote:
> This link: 
> https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-identify-leaked-file-descriptors-that-are-shown-only-as-cant-identify-protocol-in-lsof
>  points out that once the fd gets into this "can't identify protocol" state 
> you can no longer figure out things like what port(s) and addresses are 
> associated with the fd. They suggest running lsof periodically to catch that 
> fd (in your example output the first fd is 133u) when it was still healthy. 
> This would help track it down to an area of the geode code. For example you 
> could see that it was on of the sockets using the port the cache server is 
> listening on.
> How to identify leaked file descriptors that are shown only as “can't 
> identify protocol” in lsof | MuleSoft Help 
> Center<https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-identify-leaked-file-descriptors-that-are-shown-only-as-cant-identify-protocol-in-lsof>
> Functional cookies enhance functions, performance, and services on the 
> website. Some examples include: cookies used to analyze site traffic, cookies 
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> help.mulesoft.com
> ________________________________
> From: Leon Finker <leon...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 9:28 AM
> To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
> Subject: Open socket handles build up over time (leaking?)
> Hi,
> We observe in our geode (1.14 - same before as well in 1.13) cache
> server (that supports durable client sessions) an increase in half
> opened sockets. It seems there is a socket leak. Could someone
> recommend how to track the leak down? It's not obvious where it's
> leaking...I can only suspect AcceptorImpl.run and where it only
> handles IOException. but I wasn't able to reproduce it in debugger
> yet...
> lsof -p 344|grep "can't"
> java 344   user  133u  sock                0,6       0t0 115956017
> can't identify protocol
> java 344   user  142u  sock                0,6       0t0 113361870
> can't identify protocol
> java 344   user  143u  sock                0,6       0t0 111979650
> can't identify protocol
> java 344   user  156u  sock                0,6       0t0 117202529
> can't identify protocol
> java 344   user  178u  sock                0,6       0t0 113357568
> can't identify protocol
> ...
> lsof -p 344|grep "can't"|wc -l
> 934
> Thank you

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