Hi devs,

While doing some testing, I found the issue which is already reported there. 

If we run the create index command it will create an index locally and send a 
request to create an index on other members of that region.
The problem happened if the remote request comes before the request from the 
locator, in that case, a request from the locator failed with the following 
message: Index "index1" already exists.  Create failed due to duplicate name.

This can be reproduced by running 6 servers with DEBUG log level(due to this 
system will be slower), creating a partitioned region, and then creating an 

Why does the server send remote requests to other members as they will get a 
request from the locator to create an index?
Also when running the gfsh command to create an index on one member, it will 
send create index requests to all other members. In that case, what is the 
purpose of this --member flag?


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