Contributors have the "Assignable" permission, but are lacking "Assign
User" which despite the text description means that they cannot assign a
ticket to themselves. Basically Contributors cannot assign anything to

Ideally, we want to add "Assign User" to Contributors rather than keep
adding everyone who comes along to the Committers group.

The Apache Geode PMC and admins do not have the necessary permissions to
edit the Roles. We can only add, assign and remove Users. If we want to
edit Contributors to add "Assign User" we'll need to have one of us contact
ASF Infra to request this change to our Project in Jira.

Otherwise we have to assign all newcomers to the Committers group instead
of Contributors.

Note: I haven't changed any Users or Roles in Jira (I just have time to
quickly post this message right now).


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