Please join in and select a ticket from the 1st group to assign to yourself. We need to make each of these tests more reliable. Please remove any Thread sleep calls or other actions that can cause a test to intermittently fail.
Filed with no assignee yet: GEODE-140 QueryUsingFunctionContextDUnitTest.testQueriesWithFilterKeysOnPRWithRebalancing failed due to suspect string GEODE-122 Suspect string from ClientServerFunctionExecutionDUnitTest.testServerExecution_SocketTimeOut_WithoutRegister GEODE-116 CopyOnReadIndexDUnitTest.testPRQueryOnLocalNode fails assertion GEODE-111 DistributedAckPersistentRegionCCEDUnitTest failed with DistributedSystemDisconnectedException GEODE-99 BackupInspectorJUnitTest.testIncrementalBackupScript fails on Windows GEODE-98 OplogRVVJUnitTest.testRecoverRVV fails on Windows Filed and assigned: [Darrel] GEODE-143 PdxDeserializationDUnitTest and PdxClientServerDUnitTest failing because debug level logging left enabled by previous test [Kirk] GEODE-142 ThreadUtilsJUnitTest.testSleepWithInterrupt failed time-sensitive assertion [Vivek] GEODE-141 DistributedTransactionDUnitTest.testRemoveAllWithTransactions fails with CommitIncompleteException [Dan] GEODE-139 RebalanceOperationDUnitTest testWaitFor* methods failed in nightly build [Darrel] GEODE-138 MemoryThresholdsOffHeapDUnitTest.testEventDelivery failed [Ashvin] GEODE-134 AnalyzeSerializablesJUnitTest is failing after hdfs api changes [Darrel] GEODE-133 testCustomEntryTtl3 RegionTestCase method takes too long and does not validate correctly [Kirk] GEODE-127 FailWithTimeoutOfWaitForOutputToMatchJUnitTest takes too long to execute [Vivek] GEODE-110 DistributedTransactionDUnitTest.testPutAllWithTransactions failed with CommitIncompleteException [Kirk] GEODE-103 BlockingProcessStreamReaderJUnitTest fails to start process within timeout Filed and Resolved: [Darrel] GEODE-128 Many expiration unit tests take too long to run on any type of PartitionedRegion [Darrel] GEODE-113 BridgeMembershipDUnitTest.testBridgeMembershipEventsInClient unit test takes too long to run [Kirk] GEODE-108 HAInterestPart2DUnitTest.testInterestRecoveryFailure failed with suspect string