Also note that projects that evolve out of commercial projects often have a
very hard time moving design decisions to a mailing. It is much more
natural to continue using well known communication paths.

The point, however, of moving to Apache is, well, moving to Apache.  That
involves more than just moving the semi-colons into an Apache git instance.
It also means moving many customs and traditions. This can be hard.

This can be even harder because it is even harder to see the need or even
the lack because it really hasn't been any other way for most of the

Reading the threads that Roman cites can be very helpful if you try to
think about why each participant says what they say. What motive do they
have in their head that makes what they say make sense?

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <> wrote:

> To echo Caleb's post to the HAWQ ML:
> In case you haven't been watching the Apache general list there is an
> interesting thread on the Apache Sentry project and their graduation from
> incubator.
> Lots of discussion on what is required from a community growth perspective
> for an incubator.  Good lessons to think about as we are trying to build
> our own community around Geode and MADlib.
> You will also see me heavily advocating Apache Maturity model on
> that thread. This is something I'd really like to institute in all of
> the projects
> I happen to mentor to a point of having a rolling document inside of a
> source
> tree a'la Groovy:
> Thanks,
> Roman.

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