Firstly, the new website looks great.

I have the following comments

1. Website Policy
Please review the ASF Website Policy[1]. I did a quick scan and noticed two
  * Need to include a prominent link to the main [2]
  * The links/logos to IntelliJ & YourKit need to be removed until
trademarks@ has been consulted as per the policy[2]


2. Navigation Bar
 * IMO it would be better to have a link to the "Mailing Lists" section
rather than StackOverflow on the navigation bar at the top of the page.
 * The Docs link directs to - this needs to be
moved to the ASF.

3. Community / Mailing Lists
IMO the mailing lists should be moved higher up the page (above the
"Events" and "Live Chat and Geode Clubhouse" sections). The heart of any
Apache community are the mailing lists and should be the easiest to find,
rather than having to scroll down to see that section.

Can you also link to markmail for mailing list archives as its a much
better UI than the official one:


On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 6:30 AM, William Markito <>

> I've just pushed the latest fixes and added content to the community page
> as well.
> Please check the result here ->
> (clear your cache)
> From my point of view and based on the feedback I got so far, this is
> *ready* to be pushed to asf-site and update our current website.
> Please let me know if you think otherwise, have any comments or feedback.
> Thanks,
> --
> William Markito Oliveira
> -- For questions about Apache Geode, please write to
> *
> <>*

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