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On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Darrel Schneider <>

> It is not clear to me how the new apis behave.
> Is the supplier for a particular id/name/descriptor remembered by the
> Statistics instance? So if you wanted to add an intSupplier for a int
> statistic you would do it once by calling sampleInt?

Yeah, that's what I was going for. You install the supplier once and then
it gets called every sample.

> The name of these methods give the impression that calling it will take a
> sample. Perhaps it should be setSampler? Do you need the type (int, long,
> etc) in the name or is overloading ok?

I'll rename it to setSampler, that seems clearer. Name overloading should
work, but I was trying to be consistent with the existing methods. We have
incInt, intLong, incDouble. Should I follow a different pattern for these
setSampler methods?

> Does the supplier need to match the type of the stat otherwise you get
> IllegalArgumentException?

That seems like a good idea, I'll clarify that in the javadocs.

> Can you only have one sampler registered for a particular stat? If so
> should these methods return the old one?

Seems like a good idea. I was also thinking maybe for completeness if you
set the sampler to null it will remove it. I'll clarify the javadocs.

> How does a sampler interact with the existing methods on the same stat? Do
> the "get" methods implicitly call the sampler to compute the result they
> return? If so then the "set" and "inc" methods become noops.
> I was thinking get would just return the last sampled value - it would not
trigger an immediate recomputation. But it's true that set and inc are
basically useless if you have a supplier set.


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