
One reasons I can think of; during recovery system may be consuming more
memory than (during the shutdown); the reason could be relating to how data
is recovered from the disk (reading krf,  drf files first, and then crf
files)...The memory may be used up by the data-structures that are reading
the disk files (before adding data to cache-region, and resource manager to
kick-in and evict). I will let the disk experts to chime in here...

Can you try reducing the eviction and critical heap percentage...say
eviction at 70% and heap at 85%....


On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Nilkanth Patel <>

> Hello,
> Facing issue in recovering data for persisted regions when large amount
> (more than heap) of data is persisted.
> brief about scenario .
> Creating 10 regions, lets call it R1, R2, R3, ... R10 with following
> config.
> For R1, R2, Total # of buckets = 113.
> For R3, R4, R10, #of buckets = 511.
> All above regions are configured with Disk persistance enabled (ASYNCH) and
> eviction action overflow to disk. like,
> RegionFactory<> rf =
> cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PARTITION_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW);
> rf.setDiskSynchronous(false) //for asynch writes.
> rf.setDiskStoreName("myDiskStore");PartitionAttributesFactory paf =
> new
> PartitionAttributesFactory().setRedundantCopies(3).paf.setTotalNumBuckets(511);
> For each server, Setting both --initial-heap and --max-heap to same, i.e
> 16gb with --eviction-heap-percentage=81 --critical-heap-percentage=90
> I keep the system running (puts, gets, delete) for hours to add data over
> time until i have overflowed tons of data approaching the heap size or
> more.
> Now i shutdown my cluster and then attempt to restart but it does not come
> up. It seems during this early phase of recovery (large amount of data),
> geode surpasses the critical threshold which kills it before successful
> startup.
> Is this observation correct and is this a known limitation...? If so any
> work around for this..?
> Also, Considering the above case, recovery for (1)
> ForceDisconnect--->Autoconnect case and (2) normal_shutdown-->restart case
> is a same mechanism or is there any differences?
> Thanks in advance,.
> Nilkanth.

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