I'm updating Swagger to the Swagger2 specification and the new landing page has different fields than the old one. I've populated most of them with some possible values and am looking for feedback. I've placed a screenshot at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-lWOyam73gWdWZjVDloVF82VnM
Some of the changes I think need to be made: - Change the "see more" to point to geode.apache.org - Change the "Created by" text to "the Apache Geode Community" - Change the email to dev@geode.incubator.apache.org - I need to know what version number to put in for the api. I don't know if that's been defined, but I can't leave it as 'VERSION' Things I can't change easily: - "Created by _____" This header is generated by the Contact object sent in. - "See more at ____" Another auto-generated header - "Contact the developer" I can change what the link points to, but not the text - "API VERSION: " cannot be suppressed - Can't suppress the subject in the email link - almost everything in the gray text