
Le 10/25/2016 à 5:25 PM, Roman Shaposhnik a écrit :

with the 1.0.0-incubating release officially out (huge kudos
to the team!) I think it is time we officially start our graduation
discussion. Process-wise graduation consists of drafting
a board resolution, getting it approved by the IPMC and finally
submitting it to the ASF board's consideration. At the very minimum
your resolution will contain:
     1. A name of the project (I assume that'll be Geode)
     2. A list of proposed PMC
     3. A proposed PMC chair
A good example of a resolution can be found here:

On #2 my suggestion would be to have an opt-in system. Basically
we will kick off the thread off on private@geode asking current PPMC
members if they are willing to continue on the PMC.

On #3 I typically recommend podlings I mento to setup a rotating chair
policy. This is, in no way, an ASF requirement so feel free to ignore it,
but it worked well before. The chair will be expected up for rotation every
year. It will be more that ok for the same person to self-nominate once
the year is up -- but at the same time it'll be up to the same person to
actually kick off a thread asking if anybody else is interested in serving
as a chair for the next year. Of course, if there multiple candidates there
will have to be a vote.

Speaking of self-nomination -- the same thread that we're going to kick
off as part of solving for #2 will ask for folks to self-nominate as an initial
chair to be listed on the resolution.

Unless somebody objects strongly to my #2 and #3 proposals I'm going
to kick of this thread on private@.

With that in mind, lets make the rest of the discussion on dev@ to be about
collecting the datapoints to present to IPCM as part of us asking them to
vote YES on our graduation. You can see my initial list of these data points
below. Please, please add yours:

Project status:

Maturity assessment:

4 releases

2734 commits on develop
269 PR”s
92 contributors across all branches

dev list averaged ~650 msgs/month in 2016
user list averaged ~90 msgs/month in 2016
267 unique posters

1900 issues created
1230 issues resolved

6 new committers / PPMC members added

Quick bump:  as far as committer diversity goes here’s the picture:

committer domains
      reasonably active
           kollective.com (Mark Bretl)
           silverspringnet.com (Sai Boorlagadda)

           newrelic.com (Qihong)
           google.com (Sourabh)
           microsoft.com (Ashvin)
           weave.works (Stuart)
           elastic.co (Catherine)
           dell.com (Lyndon, …)


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