
It seems we have a reasonable consensus on the next steps. As promised --
I started a self-nomination thread on private@. Please take a look and make
sure to reply my midnight 11/1 PST.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> with the 1.0.0-incubating release officially out (huge kudos
> to the team!) I think it is time we officially start our graduation
> discussion. Process-wise graduation consists of drafting
> a board resolution, getting it approved by the IPMC and finally
> submitting it to the ASF board's consideration. At the very minimum
> your resolution will contain:
>     1. A name of the project (I assume that'll be Geode)
>     2. A list of proposed PMC
>     3. A proposed PMC chair
> A good example of a resolution can be found here:
>     http://markmail.org/message/7ow2kdqa3rdx3x5k
> On #2 my suggestion would be to have an opt-in system. Basically
> we will kick off the thread off on private@geode asking current PPMC
> members if they are willing to continue on the PMC.
> On #3 I typically recommend podlings I mento to setup a rotating chair
> policy. This is, in no way, an ASF requirement so feel free to ignore it,
> but it worked well before. The chair will be expected up for rotation every
> year. It will be more that ok for the same person to self-nominate once
> the year is up -- but at the same time it'll be up to the same person to
> actually kick off a thread asking if anybody else is interested in serving
> as a chair for the next year. Of course, if there multiple candidates there
> will have to be a vote.
> Speaking of self-nomination -- the same thread that we're going to kick
> off as part of solving for #2 will ask for folks to self-nominate as an 
> initial
> chair to be listed on the resolution.
> Unless somebody objects strongly to my #2 and #3 proposals I'm going
> to kick of this thread on private@.
> With that in mind, lets make the rest of the discussion on dev@ to be about
> collecting the datapoints to present to IPCM as part of us asking them to
> vote YES on our graduation. You can see my initial list of these data points
> below. Please, please add yours:
> Project status:
>  http://incubator.apache.org/projects/geode.html
> Maturity assessment:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Geode+Podling+Maturity+Assessment
> 4 releases
> 2734 commits on develop
> 269 PR”s
> 92 contributors across all branches
> dev list averaged ~650 msgs/month in 2016
> user list averaged ~90 msgs/month in 2016
> 267 unique posters
> 1900 issues created
> 1230 issues resolved
> 6 new committers / PPMC members added
> Quick bump:  as far as committer diversity goes here’s the picture:
> committer domains
>      reasonably active
>           pivotal.io
>           kollective.com (Mark Bretl)
>           ampool.io
>           silverspringnet.com (Sai Boorlagadda)
>      inactive
>           snappydata.io
>           newrelic.com (Qihong)
>           google.com (Sourabh)
>           microsoft.com (Ashvin)
>           weave.works (Stuart)
>           elastic.co (Catherine)
>           dell.com (Lyndon, …)
>           vmware.com
>           brsg.io
>           cobaltdigital.marketing
>           cdkglobal.com
>           dev9.com
> Thanks,
> Roman.

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