
On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 08:33:25PM +1000, Gianny Damour wrote:
> So, to sum it up, in a first pass one applies the JMX standards; and in 
> case of failure, a case insensitive match of method and attribute names 
> is performed.

Does this algorithm need to be coded in
o.a.g.gbean.DynamicGBeanDeleagate?  At the moment it looks as if it
only does a straight match, so it requires parameter names to be
upper-case, i.e. if I have setGroup() and getGroup() it slices off the
"get" and "set" and uses what's left for comparison so then I need to
put that parameter in config files (in my case geronimo-ra.xml) as
Group.  My (naive) understanding is that the javabean approach prefers
lower-case names.


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