On Sep 9, 2004, at 10:55 AM, David Jencks wrote:

in web-app 2.3, taglib was at the same level as servlet, servlet-mapping etc. In 2.4 it is moved into a jsp-config tag. The 2.3 to 2.4 conversion in M2 did not move the taglib tags. I changed the schema conversion util to move the taglib tags into a new jsp-config tag.

I can add this verbose comment if you want, but I don't really understand the pattern of reopening and reclosing I've been seeing, so I won't until I get some advice on the procedure you have been following. Or, you can add it.

I'll add it. The reason you have to reopen and reclose, is JIRA doesn't let you change a closed issue. When we were generating the Release Notes last night, we found several issues that were miscategorized, had the wrong version number, or bad descriptions. Hopefully, we can all work to keep JIRA up to date so releases don't take so long to push out.


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