On Sep 11, 2004, at 2:41 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

If there's a volunteer or two, I guess the next steps would be to hold a
(PMC-ratified) vote and send a mail off to infrastructure@ for advice.
They may wish to delay installation until a successor to nagoya is ready.

MoinMoin is driving me nuts... I propose we ask Apache infrastructure team to install the Confluence wiki. Confluence is produced by the same people that made Jira, and is heavily used by other OpenSource projects such as Spring and everything at Codehaus.

[ ] Yes, ask Apache infrastructure to install confluence
[ ] No, don't ask Apache infrastructure to install confluence

[X] I want to use Confluence, and am willing to work with the ASF Infrastructure team to get this done, including volunteering to help install, administrate and maintain.



Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect
Gluecode Software
310.536.8355, ext. 26

Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-247-1713(m)

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