[ http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-524?page=comments#action_56694 ] Srinath Perera commented on GERONIMO-524: -----------------------------------------
Axis work like follows , there is something call the EngineRegistry that store the deployed services in Axis (it is interface and Axis does not care how this implemented). Real good way to do this is to write a EngineRgsitry impl with GBeans with a refernaces patterns so as to GBeans with special name (say *type="webservice") automatially registerd in to Axis once they started. I discuss this with Jeremy too we both want to give it a try ... (I hopefully do some work in the Xmas days). To get the things work I need to write a Dummy servlet that grab the HTTP request and give it to AxisGBean, I ask the Q in the dev list iwth the subject "Writing dummy Servlet to redirect HTTP/SOAP requests" about parsing the webservices.xml we can 1) just use ews, ews uses xmlbeans to parse . we can tune ews in way we like it 2) write something new with(we can use lot code from ews anyway). anycase there is code generation involved, which is a concern > axis module is not consistent with new jetty deployer > ----------------------------------------------------- > > Key: GERONIMO-524 > URL: http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-524 > Project: Apache Geronimo > Type: Improvement > Components: webservices > Versions: 1.0-M3 > Reporter: David Jencks > > The axis module deployment of POJO web services doesn't work with the new > jetty deployer. Relevant tests are disabled. > To solve this, I suggest: > 1. determining which parts of axis have exactly one instance per vm. Write a > gbean for each major axis singleton component that instantiates and > completely configures each one of these parts of axis. The instantiation and > configuration of the axis component should occur in the constructor of the > gbean. Include these gbeans in the j2ee-server-plan.xml. > 2. Determine which parts of axis have exactly one instance per web service > application. Write a gbean to instantiate and configure each one of these > parts of axis. They will be set up by the axis builder > 3. Determine which parts of axis have exactly one instance per web service. > I don't know exactly what this means but I think it is per POJO or ejb that > can be invoked by a web service. Determine if these have a separate lifetime > from JettyServletHolder and openejb GenericEJBContainer. If so, write > separate gbeans. If not, determine if extensions to the existing container > classes are needed, and if they are needed, write them. In any case, these > gbeans will be set up by the axis builder. > 4. Create a separate axis-builder module. The axis builder should have an > xmlbeans model of the web services deployment descriptors, and transfer the > information from this model to the appropriate gbeans from (2) and (3), and > add them to the earContext. It should be roughly similar to the jetty > builder or connector builder. > 5. Add a slot for the web-services-builder to EarConfigBuilder. This needs > to be called directly from earconfig builder or from the web and ejb builders > when they detect a web services deployment descriptor. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/secure/Administrators.jspa - If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira