Jeremy Boynes wrote:

From the source:
// I know that this should not be here (in the j2ee package) but,
// until someone who knows what they are doing has time to have a look
// at it, this seems the path of least resistance...

Move to the "spring" module?


spring - or spring-builder ?

I tried it in the spring-builder jar (I'm not using the spring module), but, in org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance one of the ctors does this :

           type = classLoader.loadClass(gbeanInfo.getClassName());* must be in a classloader that is accessible to this code, whereas org.apache.geronimo.spring.deployment.* did not seem to be - it could never find the class. I just wanted the thing working quickly, so I chose the path of least resistance. I will revisit this soon.

Deployment types seem to be a closed set that have to be known to Geronimo at build time (see org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.ConfigurationModuleType). So I decided that since the system was already so tightly coupled another temporary coupling would not be so harmful ;-) - I thought about not putting it in the j2ee package and creating another one, but decided that that would just create more mess. I shall just have to try a few alternatives and give you guys a shortlist of solutions so that you can pick one...

BTW - I also had to hack the SPRDeployer config into the j2ee-runtime-deployer-plan.xml - sorry. Deployers seem to be collected up using a wildcarded ObjectName and if yours is not around at the time, you miss the bus... - perhaps I could move it back into the spring-deployer-plan.xml and force its loading before this happens - it was late when I checked all this in....

my apologies, I will sort it out over the next few days - at least Rob can get on with his stuff in the meantime ...


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