    why do we need to use the TomcatModuleBuilder(TMB)
in j2ee-deployer-plan.xml ? Are you actually able to
run apps on Tomcat using the current TMB?


--- Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anita,
> I think this is now rectified for you.
> First there was a bug in the TomcatModuleBuilder
> that failed on schema 
> validation.  I fixed that and the DebugConfig will
> be built properly 
> during the assembly build for tomcat.
> However, there is now an additional
> comment/un-comment you must do 
> before building assembly if you want to run Tomcat. 
> You need to edit 
> the j2ee-runtime-deployer-plan.xml as well as the
> j2ee-deployer-plan.xml.
> I added a commented-out Tomcat section in the 
> j2ee-runtime-deployer-plan.xml.  You need to
> uncomment that, then 
> comment out the WebBuilder for Jetty right below it.
>  I added a comment 
> there describing this as well.
> I will try to get this in the Wiki shortly.
> After this, it should be alot less painful to get
> Tomcat running.
> Let us know how this works for you.
> Jeff
> anita kulshreshtha wrote:
> > Hi,
> >      I am doing the following -
> > 1. Do a regular build.
> > 2.start the server by starting DebugConsole,
> > RuntimeDeployer and Tomcat.
> > 3. From another window modify the RuntimeDeployer
> > configuration to accept TomcatModuleBuilder as
> > WebBuilder using 
> > java -jar bin\deployer.jar
> > ..\plan\j2ee-runtime-deployer-plan.xml
> > 4.  A ^C saves this RuntimeDeployer in the
> persistent
> > store in another location. 
> > 5  Now when I restart the server as in 2 , I can
> run
> > DebugConsole as well as deploy wars For tomcat
> using
> > java -jar bin\deployer.jar. I do this to test
> > TomcatModuleBuilder. 
> >     Is there a better way to accomplish this? 
> > Jacek, How do you run TomcatModuleBuilder ? 
> > 
> > TIA
> > Anita
> > 
> > 
> >             
> > __________________________________ 
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> > Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage
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> >
> -- 
> Jeff Genender

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