Bruce Snyder wrote:

I'm curious to know the status of the Geronimo Spring integration. The
last message I see is from Jeremy who was looking into an upgrade of
cglib to support the work that Jules is doing. Has there been any
progress beyond this to date? Jules, do you need any help with this


no movement :-(

I waited a while to see if anyone else had a complete working build/test cycle that they could drop cglib into - no-one has come back.

I tried to create the above (although my real concern is its impact upon j2ee testing, which I assume the std testsuite does not encompass) and the furthest that I have got is an OutOfMemoryError in the openejb testsuite - I threw a number of flags and properties at maven to try to get it to run the tests with more memory (I'm on x86_64/AMD - if that makes any difference - Sun 1.4.2_05). Still no joy.

I was just thinking about coming back to the list with this, when your mail popped up.

Can anyone help me out - I would love to check my code back in....



Once this is in, if you are interested in giving it a whirl and me some feedback, I would be delighted to hear from you. If you can stand my code formatting, there is still plenty to do - specifically processing a META-INF/geronimo-spring.xml which needs to supply meta-data about classloading and, I guess, describe which bits of which beans need to be exposed to the kernel....

"Open Source is a self-assembling organism. You dangle a piece of
string into a super-saturated solution and a whole operating-system
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* Jules Gosnell
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