On Mar 31, 2005, at 8:40 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:

It could. But the main argument to keep old numbered snapshot jars is so that you can build an old source release of of geronimo that might depend on a old numbered snapshot release.

How? do we ever list the snapshot number in project.xml?

I think for a release, yes.. we should take the effort and specify the snapshot number.

I'm confused, and want to make sure we're not just talking past each other accidentally. For a release, we don't use snapshots anyway, right? We'd generate a set of jars all with the release version number in the filename.

Not sure why you think we would not use snapshots. For example, if we were releasing M4, it would have to ship with a SNAPSHOT of activemq 3.0 since it's not ready to be released yet. We would generate numbered snapshot using the svn revision number of the activemq sources.

Ah - of other stuff. I figured there was something missing.

Interesting question. Could we ask ActiveMQ to do a ActiveMQ-3.0-pre-alpha-don'tuse.jar (or whatever they wanted to call it)? yes, that would be a snapshot, but since it better be a functional snapshot (rather than somewhat random), couldn't that be a milestone release from ActiveMQ if we asked really, really nicely?

What's the difference between that and me building a ActiveMQ-3.0-20050115-SNAPSHOT.jar ?? It's the same in my eyes. The ActiveMQ folks don't want to keep snapshots like that around since that just increases the release management overhead. ActiveMQ likes to keep it simple... we don't do mile stones or release candidates or alphas or betas or any of that stuff.

I think we just need to be flexible. Other projects in the future may not be able to do a release just for a Milestone release of Geronimo.

No, but I worry about just bundling random whatever from outside the project with our releases. It would help to use the svn revision on the jar, but we should really make it clear that it's something the geronimo project created for it's use, rather than confuse people that it might be an artifact from ActiveMQ. The word 'SNAPSHOT' would help.

I also would have thought that the ActiveMQ project wouldn't want activeMQ-*.jar floating around out there where they didn't choose *...

We'll figure it out...


Regards, Hiram


-- Geir Magnusson Jr +1-203-665-6437 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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