On May 30, 2005, at 10:56 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

Dain Sundstrom wrote, On 5/30/2005 10:43 PM:

On May 30, 2005, at 4:25 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

The problem we have currently is that there is no continuity between our releases - the APIs, deployment plans, etc. have all changed incompatibly between them. This was fine with milestones; however, when we do a production release users need to have confidence that things won't break with the next one.

Ah we finally get to the root of what you are talking about. I believe that if we address this issue directly the technical structure of the svn tree will be obvious.

I agree, it makes no sense in talking about the how until we iron out the what.

So lets do that.

Jeremy was proposing distinguishing between "stable" - where the focus is getting to the next release - and "unstable" - where things unrelated to linear progress to a release are done.

First - do we agree this is a good thing?

Second - if we do agree, besides the suggestion of separate roots ("stable", "unstable", "downright_wacky" (nee "sandbox")), what other approaches are there?

Said another way, the technical discussion of the svn tree will never get anywhere without addressing this core issue first.

I think that Jeremy's point is one part of the discussion. The other is how do we break up Geronimo so that people can mix and match pieces and still get a stable, functioning, product.

lets solve this one first.  The other follows after that, IMO.



Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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