
        I volunteered to be a mentor for the Google Summer of Code, and
there were a number of applications for Geronimo.  I'm hopeful that at
least one of them will be accepted.

        If that happens, we need to decide how to treat the student for
the duration of the project (in terms of committership).  This is kind of
a special case in that the program is only a little over 2 months long,
which means normally we probably wouldn't have made the person a committer
in that time frame.  But given that one of the goals is to teach the 
person how to contribute to open source, it seems to me like we wouldn't 
be doing them justice if we didn't give them commit for at least part of 
the project.

        I'd propose that if this goes through, we put the student on an 
"accelerated plan" where we have them contribute their initial work via 
patches, review and provide feedback, and then if all goes well offer them 
commit within the first 2-4 weeks.  We will then need to evaluate their 
situation at the end of the program (both their contributions and their 
availability to work with us in the future) and decide whether to end 
their commit status or not (without any prejudice if we do decide to end 
it for whatever reason).

        So I'd love to get everyone's feedback on whether this seems OK.  
I specifically want this to be a "special case" -- I don't want to apply
this to anyone else.  I understand that there are a lot of people in the
community who work hard and contribute and have not been offered commit,
and I don't want to offend anyone or make anyone feel underappreciated,
but I do personally feel like mentoring a student to be a future open
source developer under the terms of this program requires more than simply
asking them to submit patches.

        Let me know!


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