+100000000 before we release 1.0 is the exactly when we should be encouraging this type of drastic change. After 1.0 comes out, I doubt we will be able to make these type of changes until 2.0. I think we should review all of our configuration files and make usability/consistency changes before we even consider a 1.0.


On Jul 3, 2005, at 7:25 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

Won't this cause a problem for users, having to modify all existing
plans to accomodate this change?

    Sure.  But we've already agreed on the need for a single web
deployment format, and I don't think it makes sense to support 3 formats to try to ease transition. This is one of many configuration changes that will be necessary in moving from Milestone 3 to Milestone 4. Hopefully we can minimize this kind of thing moving forward into more stable releases,
but I'm not sure we're entirely there yet.

    I'll make sure the Wiki docs are up to date.


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