
Also, I do think that it is worth to notice that these two areas, and interop especially, are very complex. FWIW, I have stopped trying to follow IIOP related commits a long time ago as it was way above my understanding. As an aside, these guys have been/are really fast. Not many people know that ubiquitous David J. complains to have a slow laptop; my point of view is that he is simply faster than his laptop.

So, I take my hat off to them; we owe them a lot!


On 4/07/2005 7:25 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

I would also like to chime in and thank those people who worked on the security and interop tests.

Jeff Genender from Virtuas jumped right in and cranked out the JACC tests in no-time. Not only did he come in cold and dove into the intricacies of JACC and our implementation, he also was able to tangle with some hairy TCK issues; I am prohibited from going into details but suffice it to say he has some nasty bite marks you know where. Special thanks to Nachi, Jeff's wife, for putting up with her absent husband.

Dain Sundstrom from IBM who didn't take technical limitations as a final answer and coded around the obstacles we ran into. We ran into many dead-ends but it was his can do attitude that got us through. Dain was able to dig into the intricacies of IIOP and come up with some great solutions in an incredibly short time. Dain was instrumental in coordinating the interop effort and was able to make sure that resources filled in gaps. Special thanks Marleta for putting up w/ an absent Dain and for, well, pretty much putting up w/ Dain.

David Jencks, also from IBM. There is no piece of the Geronimo server that David hasn't had a significant hand in and interop was no exception. We didn't get to see him too much at JavaOne because he was holed up in a hotel room with Dave Blevins, cranking out tests. Not many people know that David took the TCK effort so seriously that he vowed never to cut his hair or shave until all the tests passed. We all eagerly wait to see the new David. ;)

Thanks again guys!


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