Okay, thanks.

For the webapp and ejb examples, I will:

1. apache-fy the source code

2. refactor them to base from applications/demo/src of
the build source tree

3. try to convert the current Ant build scripts to
maven (will take a little time - maven newbie here)

4. test with the latest build

5. generate a patch and JIRA it with copyright
assignment, etc

- Sing

--- Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sing Li wrote:
> > I have two examples, tested up to the most recent
> > build,  that may require only minor mods for this.
> > 
> > 1. Web app - JSP, JSTL, with servlet
> > 2. EJB - stateless session (local), entity
> > 
> > Jacek - please let me know if they may be of
> interest,
> > and I'll email them to you.
> But of course! I put them to applications for others
> to try out and test.
> > I also have examples for client (standalone,
> client
> > container), and JMS (J2EE, ActiveMQ native) if you
> can
> > use them.
> Yeah, these are of Geronimo interest, too.
> Since its your work and we're very concerned with
> any donation and its 
> rights, please create an issue in Geronimo JIRA and
> mark them that 
> copyrights are handed over to ASF. If it's enough
> legally, I'll add them 
> to the repo.
> > - Sing
> Jacek

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