On Aug 2, 2005, at 8:50 AM, Donald Woods wrote:

+1 on hosting the Eclipse tooling for Geronimo, but
wouldn't it be more useful for everyone if its
integrated into the main trunk, so it can be built and
shipped with a given server level for runtime
application deployment and debugging?

The place in the source tree isn't as important as making sure that we have it. I'm sure that if we have it here, we'll certainly ensure that it's part of our distributions - we have a strong interest in ensuring that Geronimo has the best tooling we can provide.

(And maybe it will inspire IDEA-based tooling as well so I can use it :)



--- "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone else have any comments or objections
before we go down
this path?


On Aug 1, 2005, at 5:29 PM, Sachin Patel wrote:

Great.  I assuming no one else has any strong

objections.  If not,

I'll be glad to start driving this.  I'm not sure

about the

licensing issues... I'll shoot of a note to the

eclipse folks.


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

I think it would be great to have it here.

Question - we would need to have it re-licensed

under the Apache

License v2.0.  Is that possible?


On Jul 29, 2005, at 9:28 PM, Sachin Patel wrote:

Hello all,

It seems as if a decision needs to be made to

determine the

appropiate place to host the Eclipse tooling

support for

Geronimo,  in particular the Geronimo Server

Adapter that is

currently in  development in the Eclipse - WTP



As I've made enhancements to this Geronimo

tooling support, I've

been forced to pull in Geronimo runtime

dependencies, for access

not only to the Geronimo runtime itself but to

JEE spec jars.

Discussions have arose as I've been working with

the Eclipse WTP

team to push these changes in.  It is their

belief that if this

server adapter is pulling in third party jars

then it falls

under  the category of being a full-fledged

adapter that is too

large to  host and be a part of WTP.  The

existing adapters for

the other  application servers that are included

in WTP are

lightweight and  serve primarily as examples for

basic support.

There has been some  discussion planning to

provide the JMX jars

and a set of utilties  as part of WTP that other

server adapters

can exploit.  However  this is not expected

until WTP 1.5 in June

06 at the earliest.   This is not good for the


community.  We need an immediate  place to host

this source so

the community can have the latest  source to

start using, opening

bugs and feature requests, and  contributing to

it.  As everyone

works hard toward the completion  of the

Geronimo's first release

it would be great if we had a good  start for

tooling support to

go along with 1.0.

So the first decision we need to come to is

where should this be

hosted? The first option is creating a

sourceforge project and

build a secondary community around it.  The

other, is to host on

Apache itself as part of the Geronimo project.

The latter I

feel  is a much better option as by simply

including it as part

of the  Geronimo project itself, it provides a

much stronger

integration  statement to the existing

community.  So the Apache

Geronimo  project would include not only the

development of

server itself but  also the tooling that goes

along with it.

So the proposal is that we create a seperate

branch for tooling

in  subversion and host the source there.  The

next step would be

to  provide the build and packaging

infrastructure to go around

it and  to be able to pull down dependencies to

build which

include  Eclipse, WTP, and of course the

Geronimo runtime itself.

Thoughts, objections, comments???

Thank you,


Geir Magnusson Jr

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