Hmm. I switched to rc3 as that was the jar file in the repo and I thought we had switched - guess not.

rc4 is released and should be posted today. I think the best course here is to upgrade to rc4 and fix any problem with the links in that version. I can't do it tonight but will get to it in the morning.


Aaron Mulder wrote:
I just put a comment on the bug, but you have to switch back to Pluto 1.0.1-rc2 because all the navigation links and form taragets are broken in -rc3. Can you put the 1.0.1-rc2 JAR/WAR in your home directory or whatever the -rc3 stuff is?


On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

I moved the console over into the main build and added it into assembly so that it is started by default.

The framework war currently relies on a pluto driver war downloaded from my home directory at apache. I will follow up with the pluto project about getting this from the main repository.


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