Aaron Mulder wrote:
On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
On the framework side, there are a couple but the separation between 
action and render gives problems for some e.g. the Struts portlet 
framework originally double dispatched to the actions (not sure if that 
has been fixed yet).

	Is there an official struts/portlet integration package?  I didn't 
see one.  Can you point me to it?

I don't think that there is a standard struts/portlet package (at least I'm not aware of one).  JetSpeed has
it listed in their roadmap but I don't know if that is something going into the next release or not.  I would
much rather find an implementation that we can include instead of creating from scratch.

The other thing that seems ironic is that most of the portlets are 
probably going to be very small implementations and there is a good 
chance that the footprint of the framework will be far larger than that 
of the portlet itself.

	Well, I'm not so sure that's true.  I listed like 9 functions of
the web server manager portlet, and the EJB server manager one will be
nearly identical.  I think the database, JMS, and application portlets are
going to be similarly complex (list, deploy, configure,
start/stop/undeploy, confirm action, view DDs, ...).  CORBA and security
realms seem likely to be fairly ugly too.  Overall, I think cleaning up
and standardizing the complex ones like that is worth almost any amount of
overhead on the super-simple ones like the JVM system properties view.


If we think that the console itself is going to be fairly large then perhaps we should consider pulling
in JetSpeed.   So far it seems as if the cost of doing that is out of line with the benefits gained .. but
if we are thinking about opening up the portlet container for others to use in the near future then
it would make sense to get more involved with JetSpeed.

Joe Bohn     

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose."   -- Jim Elliot

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