Ok...9/16 then...but this is now 4 days warning. 9/16 needs to be it (yes I know...someone needs to be the bad cop). ;-)

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
The count was :

9/9 : Jacek, Joe (non committer), Bruce, Geir, Dain, David B, Jeff
9/16 : Alan, Gianny,

with David J then suggesting on friday (9/9) that given the state of things, we wait until monday (today, 9/12) and re-evaluate.

It seems like we're making great progress, but still not there yet as of now - we need to fix the regressions so we don't have to fix the code in two places (which is probably what bit us from M4).

Maybe your 9/16 will be it after all :)


On Sep 12, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

I thought we were going to cut on 9/16

On 9/12/2005 4:15 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:

I think today will be it ;-)

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

So, where do we think we are today?


On Sep 9, 2005, at 2:39 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I think we've made significant progress in the last week towards being ready to make the branch for M5, but I think there may be reasons to wait a couple more days. There are 2 features that people want to get in (security improvements and DDL generation) that I would like to see in M5, and more stabilization is needed in any case before the release. I think that unless someone is waiting to get a new feature in that shouldn't go in M5 we should wait until monday and see where we are.

If anyone is contemplating a commit that may destabilize our code please speak up so we can branch beforehand.

david jencks

On Sep 6, 2005, at 9:33 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

Ok ...I am hijacking this thread... enough discussion...lets vote on it...

[ ] Friday 9/9 is the QA Cut date
[ ] I think it should be after Friday...and should be on ______

For me:
[X] Friday 9/9 is the QA Cut date

David Blevins wrote:

On Sep 6, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

Aaron Mulder wrote:

What is the point of the "frozen list"? At this point, it doesn't appear to have stopped development of things that aren't on the list.

The list for what we are agreeing to go into M5. If something isn't on the list and its an added bonus, then fine. We need a closure date at this point. I think we have all agreed what is minimally in the cut.

Maybe we should make the branch like Friday, so any code not on the list has to go into HEAD, and just have a longer closing period to resolve the list items. There is a lot on the list, so that would mean a lot of merges to HEAD, but unless everyone is willing to hold off on non-list items, I'm not sure we're actually moving toward greater stability in the mean time.

Ok..shall we branch on Friday? Anhyone have any issues with this? I am game.

Friday is great. Aaron expressed the same concern I was thinking about; getting further and further from stable the long we wait to branch. Things always tend to creep in.

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