
Thanks for taking the time to register your opinion and vote for your favorite logo. I tallied the results from the Wiki and the clear winner is Entry #19 which was submitted by Epiq (

The great news is that the selected winner appears to fit within the guidelines of the PRC and as such there should not be a huge amount of debate.

I am copying the PMC on this note to notify them of the results and the community's desire to make Entry #19 the logo of choice for Geronimo. I trust the PMC will be able to come to a quick affirmation of the Logo and provide guidance as to making a final, official, version for inclusion in various elements of the project.

Here are the results of the voting.

Entry           Votes   Percent of votes
Entry #19       10      32.26
Entry #21       6       19.35
Entry #18       4       12.9
Entry #6        3       9.68
Entry #14       3       9.68
Entry #22       3       9.68
Entry #2        1       3.23
Entry #9        1       3.23

Again, thanks for taking the time to register your opinion.

- Matt

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